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StonerPenguin (Offline)
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06-30-2011, 03:48 AM

Originally Posted by Nippom View Post
Gomenasai, could you please give me that in Romaji?
And arigato for your reply.
Dude, we don't use romaji here. Also, you spelled both "gomenasai" and "arigato" incorrectly

Originally Posted by masaegu View Post
「~とか思う」 means "You kinda think ~~", "You would have kinda thought ~~", etc. You use it when you are guessing at what another person is thinking. 「~たりして」 is VERY often added at the end of a sentence to add a little disclaimer saying that what you just said may not be correct.

「ここ」 is used because it refers to "in this situation". 「これ」, while not incorrect, is just not the native speaker's choice because it sounds too strong. 「思ったりもして」 means "You probably thought ~~~". Speaker is only guessing because you never know what others are thinking for sure.
Thank you SO much for answering my long, cumbersome questions.
Very interesting. I didn't know 「ここ」 could be used in such a way. 「~たりして」 seems like a good form to know, so I'd like to know a little more. Is there any difference between 「~たりして」 and 「~たりもして」? And are these a kind of auxiliary verb? If so, what's the dictionary form?

Hey, does this rag smell like chloroform?