Thank you very much for the previous help, masaegu

There's just a little something else I need help with. And it's once again from a manga as per usual!
So, this girl's boyfriend and her childhood friend (who unadmittedly likes the girl) get into a heated basketball match and then they have this exchange in the middle:
Boyfriend: 「今 ここで」くらい... すんなり俺に勝ち 譲ってく ださいよ...!!
Guess translation: "At least right here and now (???)...hand over the game/win/victory to me without a fuss...!!")
Childhood friend: ...なんだよ 譲るって......譲るも譲らねぇも...最初から 俺のなんかじゃねえんだよ...!!
Guess translation: "...What? "Hand over"......? Whether I hand it over to you or wasn't mine to begin with...!!" (What wasn't his to begin with? The girl? The win...?)
Thank you very much in advance.