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(#984 (permalink))
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masaegu (Offline)
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06-30-2011, 06:38 AM

Originally Posted by KellyMD View Post
Thank you very much for the previous help, masaegu !

There's just a little something else I need help with. And it's once again from a manga as per usual!

So, this girl's boyfriend and her childhood friend (who unadmittedly likes the girl) get into a heated basketball match and then they have this exchange in the middle:

Boyfriend: 「今 ここで」くらい... すんなり俺に勝ち 譲ってく ださいよ...!!
Guess translation: "At least right here and now (???)...hand over the game/win/victory to me without a fuss...!!")

Childhood friend: ...なんだよ 譲るって......譲るも譲らねぇも...最初から 俺のなんかじゃねえんだよ...!!
Guess translation: "...What? "Hand over"......? Whether I hand it over to you or wasn't mine to begin with...!!" (What wasn't his to begin with? The girl? The win...?)

Thank you very much in advance.
Context would definitely be needed to know what 「今 ここで」くらい was referring to.

The topic of the convo, without a question, is the girl.

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