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06-30-2011, 12:48 PM

I think that the number of procedures being done in Japan has gone up, but the procedures themselves tend to be minor procedures.
The common one is the eyelid one. The girls who most commonly have it done are, well, better off in life for it - as sad as it is to say. It isn`t the average girl that normally resorts to it, but the kind of girl who has VERY thin eyes. This can really be a depressing feature for a girl - it really can always look like they`re squinting or drowsy. I know a woman like this - she usually goes to a lot of trouble to glue her eyelids as, seriously, you can`t see her eyes if she doesn`t.

The girls who tend to have more serious procedures usually have multiple things done. It`s not something that is all that common in the normal population. Think girls who make money off their looks.

Korea, however, that is a completely different world apparently. Major surgery supposed to be totally normal and very common.

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