日本に居る/居た外国人や、留学生が日本に捧げる曲で す。
A song dedicated to Japan, by foreigners and foreign students who are/were in Japan.
YouTube : Song For Japan - We Are With You(日本に捧げる曲 "一緒に居ます")
This is a totally non-profitable project. We'd just like our voices to be heard by the people of Japan.
Apart from receiving a lot of positive and emotional responses from many listeners,
we have also gained the support of prominent figures such as Ms Randy Taguchi, Ms Junko Yagami and Ms Reiko Yukawa, via Twitter etc.
ref link:
田口ランディ「いま、伝えたいこと」 : 日本にいる留学生たちが歌を作ってくれました。
Please go ahead and share this video with your beloved Japanese friends and family.
Thank you very much for your time and appreciation!!
Music & Lyrics: Beth Wong
作曲・作詞 :「ベス・ウォン」
Performed by Foreign students in Japan