Originally Posted by StonerPenguin
I need help with one quick line today.
「今こそ オレ? 今から オレ? 今 オレ モテ期到来みたいな~?」
This is said by a goofy 15-year-old boy to adult ladies who're clearly not interested. The 「モテ期到来」 part is what's confusing me. I know モテ is slang for 'popular with the ladies'.
Here's a shoddy translation attempt;
"Now is my time? Me from now on? Now, have I reached my time to be a ladies man~!?"
モテ期 = Time period in which one is popular with the opposite sex (?)
到来 = Arrival
みたい = It seems
Am I right?
You could not be righter.
「みたいな」 has been a common sentence-ender for the last 20 - 25 years. It is very close in meaning to the disclaimer 「~~したりして」 we just discussed yesterday.
He could have said 「今 オレ モテ期到来なんつったりして!」.
「なんつったりして」 = 「なんて言ったりして」
I do not mean to teach slang expressions but an older guy might have said:
「なんちゃって」 = 「なんて言っちゃって」
or even more colloquially 「なんつって」 = 「なんて言って」
or simply, 「なんてね」 instead.
I am mentioning these because you WILL see them in manga.