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Nyororin (Offline)
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07-02-2011, 12:59 AM

Originally Posted by WingsToDiscovery View Post
I've had no problems with Softbank. My first phone was free, my bill is only like 1,400 yen a month (talk, text, email), and they gave me the first 5 months free of service. And because I'm in Tokyo, the staff spoke English.
I think that the staff spoke English is a major key. You could get fine details, etc.

If you are able to go over the details and make sure they don`t sign you up for things you don`t want, don`t put you in a plan that will suck your wallet dry for barely any use at all, etc - yes, you can get a decent plan with them. One of my husband`s ex-coworkers now works in sales with Softbank. They`re told that unless a customer specifically asks for them NOT to enroll them in some plan, and unless they know the exact name of the feature - they are to include it in the service. The goal is 2000+ a month in "additional services" and to include as many services that charge by use. They`re also trained to activate all background packet using services when activating the phone - alone which can rack up 10,000~20,000 a month if you didn`t enroll in a packet plan... Even if you never used a single packet by will.

In order to make money, they will try to squeeze anything in there they can to inflate a bill. I can`t even count the number of people I know of who switched to Softbank, were told that they were eligible for the cheapest plan, who were told that with their usage they`d be paying less than 2000 a month...

And who got their first 80,000yen bill a month later. They forgot to mention some clause that if you call nothing but non-Softbank numbers you lose your deal, or some other silly fine print loophole... But you agreed to the contract. Pay for the full price of the phone and the cancellation fee, etc etc...

Yes, you can get a great deal with them... But I`ve heard enough stories of people being screwed over and ending up with horrific bills that I would avoid the gamble altogether, personally.
Even if I knew 100% that my monthly bill would be less than 1000 - I still wouldn`t do business with them just out of principle.

If anyone is trying to find me… Tamyuun on Instagram is probably the easiest.
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