Thread: Sessou
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(#18 (permalink))
Supperman (Offline)
JF Old Timer
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Location: Japan
07-03-2011, 01:04 AM


I think "sessou"(節操) is all right.

It is true that 節操 is often used as a negative sentence as 節操がない
(There is no 節操), but

it is also use as an affirmative sentence as 節操を貫く (keep 節操).

I don't think it has connotation of sexual behavior, either.
If you change it to 貞操(teisou), it is very bad for a company's name.
For example, 貞操帯 means "chastity belt".
貞操 is strongly referring to the sexual behavior, though 節操 is more general word.
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