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masaegu (Offline)
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07-06-2011, 12:59 PM

Originally Posted by delacroix01 View Post
1. 現実は、俺が追いついてくるのを待っちゃくれない。
What is a non-colloquial way of saying 待っちゃ?

2. な、何いってるの...? れーじ、正気なワケ......?殺されるって時に告げる、最 期の言葉がそんなものでいいわけ!?
"正気なワケ?" means "do you really mean it" or "are you serious about that", correct?

3. 震える唇から、何とか次の言葉を探す。しかし、浮かん でくる言葉はどれも俺が口にしたくないものばかりだ。
Does 口にする mean "to speak of" or "to speak out"?

4. Can someone tell me the difference between 距離を取る and 距離を保つ?

5. Finally, does とてつもない mean the same as とんでもない? Or are they different?
1. 待っては

2. Literally, the latter but you could also use the former for a tanslation.

3. It means "to utter".

4. Not much of a difference. One needs to first 距離を取る and then one can 距離を保つ. More emphasis on "maintaining the distance" in the latter.

5. Two are very often interchangeable. There is more emphasis on "unreasonableness" in the former and on "unexpectedness" in the latter.
The importnat difference is that while the former usually carries a negative connotation, the latter can be used affirmatively.

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