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masaegu (Offline)
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07-07-2011, 02:56 PM

Originally Posted by delacroix01 View Post
Thanks again for the clear explanation, masaegu Now I'd like to ask a few questions for today.

1. こいつは、貴方たちの手に追える相手じゃない!
Does 手に追える mean "to be on par with"?

2. 顔色が、すぐれませんが
This mean the complexion of the person doesn't look good, correct?

3. Can you tell me what 夢にする mean? I heard 夢にしないで in a Japanese song, but I can't find the phrase in dictionaries to figure out the exact meaning.
1. The phrase has been used incorrectly here. It is only used in the negative form of 手に負えない, meaning "one cannot handle/manage ~~". This person used the wrong kanji as well.

2. Right. It is a euphemistic way of saying "You look sick."

3. That is not something we say often. Probably means "Do not let it end a dream." In other words, "Make it happen!" Context needed for confirmation.

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