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(#15 (permalink))
Supperman (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 303
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Japan
The 3rd day;A park scene on a sunny winter day - 07-08-2011, 11:39 AM

Can you imagine the photo with my description?
Here we go!

This is a photo of a park scene on a sunny winter day. The photographer is standing on a riverside path, and aiming the path’s line at the center of the picture. The path is a little winding, and curves toward the left.

There is a river at the right side of the photo. The water is blue and calm. There are water birds on the river.

At the center of the picture, there are three people who are standing on the path, and walking off the camera. One of them is a man who wears blue jeans and black jacket. He has short blond hair. At the left side of him, there is a woman in black jacket and blue jeans. She has pony-tailed golden hair.

The third person may be a child, though we can scarcely see only his/her left leg. Other parts of the body are hidden by the woman. They may be a family.
There are two water birds walking on the path too. They seem not to be afraid of human.
The path is paved and flat.

There are electric lamp poles along the path. At the left side of the path, there are greens and trees. Almost all trees have no leaves. Considering naked trees and what people wear, it is winter season for sure.

Afar from them, there is a bridge made of concrete, which is located horizontally in this photo.

We can see the sky at the upper right corner of the photo. There is no cloud in the sky. The shadow of the people is projected to the right side. So the sun is shining from the left side of the photo. It is a sunny winter day.

The park / TOEIC
photo No.3

Last edited by Supperman : 07-26-2011 at 09:18 AM.
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