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Kayci (Offline)
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07-08-2011, 06:29 PM

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post

The big bottleneck for me has been the required documentation and paperwork dealing with the US side. This requires multiple trips to the US - something that we can`t really afford.
You need a LOT of documentation. You have to create a family record that is as detailed as those for the rest of the population... Some of this documentation simply doesn`t exist in other countries.

I have to prove that I am a first child, that my parents were not married and divorced prior to my birth. I have to prove birth order for my siblings (as they go on the record too) and I have to prove that I have no additional siblings. I have to provide records of the birth of my parents, and records of their marriages and divorces. I also need detailed records of all of my addresses from birth to present....

The list goes on and on. Thank god I am not an only child as there is NO WAY to prove you are an only child based on US records.

My parents are divorced and my father is, well, I don`t really know where. Scraping together records of his marriage/s and divorce/s, and proof of no other marriage/s and divorce/s is NOT easy. It`s virtually impossible with family I do still have contact with.

Even with the easy ones, a lot of these records you have to be present to obtain.

The costs of documentation and paperwork caused the process to jerk to a halt in my case.
Okay, lets say I want to grow through this process...all of my siblings are half siblings. My dad has My sister, A brother, and me. We all have different mothers.

My mother has two other brothers and me. We all have different fathers. I am the youngest of all of them, overall, but will this present complications?

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