Originally Posted by Koroshiya
And again, as I have already stated, I am merely collecting information to preempt the process and make it smoother one all-around.
This is not bad thinking at all, but something you should definitely be careful about - most of the documents required are time sensitive. I was asked to produce documents that were dated within 6 months of my application. It would be unfortunate to get a bunch of documents ready... And have them be useless. Gathering information and researching how to get the documents is definitely something that it cannot hurt to begin early.
My reason for considering giving up my current citizenship is simple: I have nothing to keep me here. I am going to reboot my current situation and start from scratch. That includes leaving and not returning. Should I decide that Japan is not the place to do this, I will adjust my situation accordingly. The time that I am there for my wife's education will suffice as a trial period.
I believe this is something that may be concerning some of us. There are a LOT of people who want to move to Japan. There are a lot of people who feel that moving to the country will give them a great new start. The majority of them are completely ready to leap into citizenship.
And the majority of those who do live in Japan usually do not end up wanting to stay in the country permanently... This is particularly true when they a) Start out without Japanese language skills and b) Do not have family in Japan. (By marriage or blood relation.)
Japanese does not appear to be an easy language to pick up in adulthood, and being in a home situation where the household language is something other than Japanese makes it even harder.
Obviously, as there is such a long wait before you`ll be eligible for either PR or citizenship, it would be impossible to leap into either of them... And I am sure you will have more than enough time to figure out your feelings on living in the country permanently... But there are more than enough cases of people who think that Japan will be where they want to live, only to find they do not feel that way at all once they`ve lived here and experienced the difficulties of being immersed in a foreign culture with no escape. It makes me, at least, feel very iffy on simply encouraging someone to plan to take citizenship before they`ve even lived in the country.
As for my visa, I have a year to figure that out. If I am not mistaken, the Global 30/MEXT will take care of that. Again, I will figure that part out when the time comes. I have plenty of it.
I see. If they are taking care of it (I`m guessing you`d end up a family stay visa linked to your wife`s student visa) then you shouldn`t have much to worry about. Other than, well, what you`ll be doing if you`re not attending school. You can`t work on that visa, so will have a lot of free time.
Originally Posted by evanny
btw. do you have to take a test like when trying to get american citizenship (which 40% of americans can't pass  ) ?
or is it just your performance as a self-sufficient individual that matters?
There is no test, but they do talk to you in 100% Japanese - and all the paperwork must be done in Japanese. I hear there is a home visit in the last stages of the process, but I have yet to get that far.
Originally Posted by Kayci
Okay, lets say I want to grow through this process...all of my siblings are half siblings. My dad has My sister, A brother, and me. We all have different mothers.
My mother has two other brothers and me. We all have different fathers. I am the youngest of all of them, overall, but will this present complications?
As you`ll need documentation for all of this, the more complex your family situation the more documentation you will need. Whether this is a "complication" or would have any connection to your chances for approval - I have no idea.