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Kayci (Offline)
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07-09-2011, 04:00 PM

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post
If it really is peach fuzz - then you have nothing to worry about.
The thing is, what would be considered "peach fuzz" here is a lot less like fuzz and more like a peach.

Something you should keep in mind though - you`re not Japanese, and are only going to be on a visit. It would be no worse than encountering a woman with clearly unshaved legs (Not to the point of bushy hair, but visible). While you might find it unappealing or odd/rare - it`s doubtful that you`ll be ducking into the bushes to gag at it.
If you were going to be living, long term, in the country then I`d advise following the flow - on a short trip I wouldn`t even worry about it.

It is pretty regular to be clean shaven - but there are men out there with mustaches and beards. They just are fairly uncommon.
I don`t think it`s normal to shave the armpits - although it might be in some sports. I don`t think it`s a regular thing among the general male population.
I dont think I would gag over it, i am just worried on how I look to them...I was actually approached about this by Korean friends just last night, and they seem similar and talked about what you I am just really self-conscious

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