well. i've been working for a couple of days at a gift shop in a large hotel. i have met plenty people from all around the world and have had many new impressions.
however. the weirdest one was with a couple of Japanese ladies. once i noticed that they were Japanese i approached them and started speaking to them in Japanese - some small-talk about items/prices. what was weird - they actually didn't seem surprised about me speaking Japanese.
in comparison if i went to a small country in africa and someone spoke latvian i would be left standing with my jaw open
it was simply interesting situation....
so. the main point is. can you Japanese yourselves give me tips and maybe even some expressions which are guaranteed to sell you something?
この琥珀がバルト海の中であります。琥珀が古いです。 八千万年ですよ。だれが言った「琥珀の中でたくさん神 様がいます」。
so...would something like this and a smile win you over to buy some amber?