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(#31 (permalink))
dogsbody70 (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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Location: South coast England
07-10-2011, 01:23 PM

[quote=BobbyCooper;871272]Oh it would be foolish to think "otherwise"..

The thing you need to understand is that some Nations and their people have a different mindset, with different moral values and different behaviour.

Are the Japanese and Koreans more kind and more caring then the Western Society?

It's impossible to deny that fact and can't be answered with every human being is different!

Does Japan have black sheeps? Of course, but compared to Great Britian, the Japanese people spread much more love and kindness.

Or is the Peace symbol also just an "act" for you?

UM Bobby Cooper. methinks you live in cloud cuckoo land.

we do all act-- all the time. Maybe not be conscious of it but if we wish to keep the peace we do not always show our real feelings.

we could so easily hurt or upset someone if we told them what we really think about them. its a case of being tactful and courteous. Our country is often lacking in respect these days and I think that is such a shame.

RESPECT for others is important.

Maybe we are brought up in a certain way-- that influences our behaviour.

I believe that all humans are the same under the skin.

Maybe there are cultural differences but we all have faults--everyone of us. Otherwise we might as well be robots.

it can be dangerous to put a whole nation on an unreasonable pedestal.

Humans are Humans.

I went out of my way to do many things for my former japanese friend.

she broke her arm and came to us. we took her to the hospital. she then came in almost daily for her food etc.

We made our home-- Her home. Many English people have been extremely kind and good to her helping her in numerous situations. Our MP's have helped her-- so many of us have-- willingly.

She has also taken much advantage of these kind people, anything to keep her visa.

She is human but has grown up in a culture that hides feelings and emotions and at her age she will never be as English as she desires to be. she does not want to return to her home in Japan. she is in love with England, its countryside and people.

sorry Bobby to disillusion you about Humans.

we are capable of very good we are capable of EVIL.
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