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Kayci (Offline)
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Japanese not wanting you to speak Japanese? Wha..? - 07-11-2011, 05:35 AM

Okay. I am excited to go to Kyushu. I count down and everything. (12 days left.)

I recently saw my friend. She is American born, mostly black, but her grandmother is from Japan so she has some experience with the culture, and goes to Tokyo once in a while to visit her family in the area. She is the only one to say this so far, but she said that if I went to a big down, they will frown at me for even attempting to speak Japanese. (And I know mine is not that bad. I can hold a conversation well enough to last awhile... and getting better at being more formal in speech...)

I just want to know if anyone could understand why she would say this? Because I really found it odd, and none of my non-Japanese friends who went mentioned a sort of thing. (She went on to say that in Tokyo, they prefer us, as Americans, to speak English...then shrugged and said it was "different story" when I told her I was going to a small town in Kyushu.)

I just wonder...

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