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Columbine (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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07-11-2011, 04:42 PM

Originally Posted by Kayci View Post
Possibility on the second part. I tried to speak with her to practice did not sound good. (It does not help that she still pronounces the "Ah" sound as "Ay/Eh" sound...)

But yeah. One person also told me later on that they think she is jealous because she sees me using it a lot with other Japanese friends, but I do not think it makes sense...
If you combine what Nyororin said about Japanese people expecting mixed race people to be able to speak it well with the idea that she goes there with a 'I'm one of you' attitude and yet poor Japanese, she might be actually speaking to people with inappropriate tone/ familiarity, which would put people right off. Perhaps they assume that as someone with Japanese blood she should know better. And if she is that jealous, then yes, that would make sense for her to irrationally tell you random crap to make you nervous about going. 'My Japan' attitude. You're taking away her special.
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