Originally Posted by Columbine
Just so we're not merely assuming she's a massive cow, could also be worry rather than out and out spite. If she's established herself as your Japan expert, you're not going to need her as much if you go there yourself and figure things out from your own perspective. To a certain extent she'll loose status and control in her socialising. Maybe she's insecure and feels she needs to be like that for you to keep you as a friend. Not saying that's a nice way to go about things, just throwing it out there for perspective.
I never used her as my "japan" expert. We just talk about it, since I talk to actual Japanese nationals too. I only just found that sooo weird of her to say, and was so confused because that was a first. I was talking to other Japanese friends about it but they merely shrugged...So I dunno. Was just realllllllly confused on why she would say that.