07-13-2011, 01:26 AM
In response to the rebuttal using cows, carrots, and humans the main point, I believe, that was missed was the "No offense, but AFAIC all whales are intelligent endangered species." so I'm not sure it is a very good comparison to use the cows, carrots, and humans but I agree that different viewpoints exist with this topic.
You live in Japan right James?? Is whale common over there as a menu item? In the old days (help me out here people I'm working on a story I heard) they hunted whale for food out of necessity since Japan is an island country so this is where the hunting stems from. That is probably the reason it's still on the menu??
It's a good topic point regardless of if it's a "troll" or not because it's a touchy subject and it's interesting to see the different viewpoints on it. Especially with people like James (i'm assuming you live in Japan) who were born in one country where eating whale may have been taboo and living in another where they do eat whale. Has your perspective been changed I wonder or not at all? Just curious!