Originally Posted by delacroix01
Since I have some time today, I'll have some questions again.
1. Can someone tell me what the kanji after 力を is?
2. Does 一見 mean "at a glance"? Also, the word after it is 怠情, isn't it?
3. What does the guy mean by この経験が活きる? So far I only know that 活きる means "to live", but that doesn't seem to be the case here.
4. こ...言葉が通じんのをい――ことにもっとも純真に残酷 に...
All the words in the line are familiar to me, but I still have no idea about the meaning of the whole line.  Could there be anything that has been omitted here?
5. What does 憚る mean in this context?
蓄 (たくわ)える
2. Yes x 2
3. "can be put to use", "to be made use of", etc.
4. Was it not you who asked about 「~~をいいことに」 a week or two ago?
"Taking advantage of this (great) language barrier, I should (verb omitted here) more innocently and brutally."
5. 憚る means "to hesitate", "to refrain from ~~", etc.
憚りながら means "I should not say this openly but ~~~~"