Originally Posted by masaegu
4. Was it not you who asked about 「~~をいいことに」 a week or two ago?
"Taking advantage of this (great) language barrier, I should (verb omitted here) more innocently and brutally."
I think that was 3 weeks ago.
But this time it was the latter half that freaked me out, not the former
I really didn't read it carefully enough.
憚りながら means "I should not say this openly but ~
So it turned out to be an expression. Thanks again for letting me know this, masaegu.
Now I'm adding a few questions, if you don't mind.
1. The line スゴい音したけど in the last page is bugging me a little, since I'm not sure which action it refers to. Is it about the huge sound when he fell off the bike or his voice when he shouted out those clichés?
2. ここで引き返したら僕は下衆中の下衆!!
a/ Can you tell me what 引き返す mean here?
b/ Finally, does 下衆中の下衆 mean "the lowest among the low"?