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(#83 (permalink))
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OHayou (Offline)
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Location: Ohio
07-14-2011, 10:54 PM

Originally Posted by yasuto View Post
Japanese woman doesn’t work to me. My type is my current GF, a tiny Chinese woman.
She is a wild woman and money-monger. She is greedy, egocentric, Sinocentric, superstitious, bad tempered and hopelessly stubborn. Her sense of fashion is horrible and she is recently a little fatty. She doesn’t follow rules, and never bother listening to me.
On the other hand she’s got a lot of guts and tough as hell. She is hyper active with a lot of dreams, but she is also street smart and realistic.
She is cheerful and has a warm heart deep inside. She is soft to her family, children, elderly and underdog. She is so straight, true to herself and innocent in her own way.
Love it!!!!!!! and lol @ a little fatty and money -monger

I admire the lot of guts and tough as hell and lot of dreams.

You really understand, accept your woman, and your respect for her person shines through.
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