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StonerPenguin (Offline)
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Location: The Goddamn Bible Belt
07-15-2011, 03:38 AM

英語話者として、あまりおかしくないかなと思ってたけ ど・・・ でも、その歌を聞いたことがないし、歌手は はっきりと歌わないし、だからほんとーに日本語に聞こ えるっス! しかし、日本語字幕を読みながら聞かない なら、そう聞こえなかっただろうと思いまーす。 はは はっ空耳が大好き!メタリカのはとってもおもしろかっ たwwww シオカンさん、ありがとう~! で、日本 語が下手だから、下に英語版もありますよ orz

I thought that wouldn't be funny for me since I'm a native English speaker but I've never heard these songs before (and the singers aren't singing very clearly...) that it does sound like Japanese! Though, I probably wouldn't have heard it that way if I weren't reading along with the lines. Haha, I love 空耳! The Metalica one was hilarious. Thanks for posting Siokan!

I've got an 「英語しか聞こえない」 video I'd like to share, I wonder if it's funny to you as a Japanese speaker. It's kinda lame but some parts are funny. "With 4 wheels, It's more safe! It's got friction!" part and the end sounds waaay too much like English.

Hey, does this rag smell like chloroform?
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