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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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07-15-2011, 06:44 AM

Is the woman on the left more Kanto and the woman on the right more Kansai? And the old man talking in some wacky dialect.

I heard the woman on the right use stuff like やろう instead of だろう, so clearly Kansai-influenced as masaegu was talking about. The woman on the left sounds most 標準語 of all three to me. I found it quite easy to pick up on what she was saying (except I guess since I don't know the context, I'm not 100%). The woman on the right took a bit of thinking, and I still couldn't pick up on much of it (I know if I understand 標準語, understanding her speech shouldn't be all that difficult, but my ear has been out of Japanese-listening commission for so long here in Texas!).

The old man? Hell if I understood much of anything. I think he said something about ワァ〜と言った at some point or イヤー or something. No idea.

Thanks for the video, Nyororin!
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