07-15-2011, 10:38 PM
From my experience in Japan and watching youtube videos of the foreign residents in Japan I think people in Japan stare because they are like "why..do we get all the socially awkward outcasts of the rest of world) ..why can't we get someone is cool".
So then I went to Japan.
Then people were cheering and saying 'wow, finally someone who doesn't look like they play Magic the Gathering' the card game. lol (just a SMALL joke, dont murder me here people!) Then people came up and talked to me, went to a small heavy metal concert and members of the band bought me shots, then another band member bought me a shot. Then I had great conversations with everyone, people went out of their way to ask me if I needed help or directions, I received business cards, I danced with girls, I bought a sword, girls took pictures of me, I had a fish sandwich of some kind of fish which was terribly gross, guys took pictures of me (yes, im proud of this as well lol) and many other exciting and cool things.
So i'm not sure where all this doom and gloom is coming from. Maybe it's your aura that is freaking people out .. ya know!?