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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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07-16-2011, 12:20 PM

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post
I would be very careful about characterizing dialects and accents as "hick" or uneducated. It would be along the lines of, say, characterizing anyone who lives in the Southern US as being hick or uneducated. Some areas just have stronger and more obvious accents - differing from the standard accent doesn`t mean uneducated. Especially when it is presented as spoken dialogue.
I goofed and mixed up concepts. I was contrasting a hick accent (like I grew up with, being from coastal Texas) with being an uneducated hick because this is 1945 Japan and he's from a small town, so he probably wouldn't have as much opportunity to even hear about typhus, other than knowing it's one of the 法定伝染病.

Oh, and typhoid is a completely different illness that isn`t related to typhus. If the character is saying チブス instead of チフス, they`re just using an older word for the illness.
And there's me being an uneducated hick.

I actually was going to wake up this morning and Google "difference typhus typhoid" because my subconscious in my sleep had warned me I should do that.

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