Originally Posted by Nyororin
None of them are 関東 in any way shape or form.  They were all born and have spent the majority of their lives in a single, rather small, area.
To me, the speech of the lady on right has some Eastern-Japan features, which is why I got excited watching this video because the gentleman's speech had Kansai-influenced patterns as in 「どこ行ったか知らん」.
Lady on right says 「けえった」 to mean「帰った」. 「けえった」 is used by not a few tough guys around Tokyo. She also says 「いんのか」 to mean 「いるのか」, which also is heard quite often around Tokyo. I am not saying these people have lived in Kanto or Kansai. I am merely looking at their speech.
I noticed this East-meets-West sort of dialect clash (fusion?) even when I went to Fukui as a kid and when I revisited several years ago.