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evanny (Offline)
devil's advocate
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07-17-2011, 10:13 AM

there are drawbacks for tourism in Japan and most are linked to its location.
when people come to Europe, they do so to usually visit some 3 countries at once with no extra expense. when visiting Asia or Middle-East they do it because of the ancient history, cheap markets and warm weather.
and both places are a lot closer than the rest of the world.

Japan on the other hand is far away for Europeans and Americans and no one would choose it because of its warm weather, thousands of years old history or cheap flee markets which are big attractions.

Europe is the capital of culture and art, and the close/open borders with other countries. Middle-East+North Africa are the capitals of warm weather and flee markets. Japan doesn't have these things which attract the most tourists in the distinct way those countries do. add the long distances and you have the limited tourism.
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