Originally Posted by delacroix01
Now the problem with the vocab has been solved, but I'm still unsure about how I should understand the particle に here. Can you please explain it?
It is just that に is the particle the verb 合う takes. 合う is intransitive.
「AにBが合う。」or 「Bは/がAに合う。」 means:
B goes well with A.
B is suitable for A.
B suits A.
B fits A.
「このシャツは私には合わない。」 <-- Someone give me the
two meanings of this sentence.
1. That is two independent phrases.
そこにしびれる = "I am enraptured at the scene."
あこがれるゥ = "I so adore her!"
2. Press your face against your PC screen. I did and was able to read it.
It says さぼって来ちゃった.
3. Yes.