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masaegu (Offline)
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07-17-2011, 10:46 AM

Originally Posted by delacroix01 View Post
Now the problem with the vocab has been solved, but I'm still unsure about how I should understand the particle に here. Can you please explain it?
It is just that に is the particle the verb 合う takes. 合う is intransitive.

「AにBが合う。」or 「Bは/がAに合う。」 means:
B goes well with A.
B is suitable for A.
B suits A.
B fits A.

「このシャツは私には合わない。」 <-- Someone give me the two meanings of this sentence.

1. そこにしびれるあこがれるゥ
Can you tell me what this line mean? I don't really get what she's saying.

What might the word lying near 来ちゃった in the bubble be?

3. でも、もうそうじゃないならちゃんと言葉にしなきゃい けない
Does 言葉にする mean "to put into words"?
1. That is two independent phrases.
そこにしびれる = "I am enraptured at the scene."
あこがれるゥ = "I so adore her!"

2. Press your face against your PC screen. I did and was able to read it.
It says さぼって来ちゃった.

3. Yes.

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