07-17-2011, 06:16 PM
I have studied about ionizing radiation and is it just me that dont feel afraid about this?
The tools they use to count the radiation messure alpha and beta radiation as well and those are in fact the most lethal radiatons but they cant enter your body unless you eat it some how, like lick the ground or something.
I know people that have swollowed radioactive material and got a nice dose of radiation, but that in comparison isnt near the radiation a physic scientist that studie radiation have been exposed to.
I think people fear more the word ionizing radiation and Sievert then the danger its self.
But what do i know, im still a studient. Much to learn left.
I live in Sweden, native speech is Swedish my secound language is English. And im currently study japanese.
Feel free to ask about Sweden if you are interested.
はじめまして、わたしはロバートです よろしくおねが いします。