Thread: Introductions
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(#746 (permalink))
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HottestVIPELF (Offline)
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Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Louisville KY, USA
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Hi Hi~!!~ - 07-17-2011, 07:49 PM


My name is Eunie, and I am very much interested in Japanese culture and I have been since I was a kid^^

My main goal is to move to Japan once I'm finished with college, it's been a lifelong dream of mine.

I can speak Basic Japanese and I'm still learning

Nice to meet you all~!!~

Name: Eunie
From: USA
DOB: July 25, 1992
Why I'm here: To find people with the same interests as me and to find Japanese friends~
Why I want to go to Japan: It's as I said earlier, I've always had an intrest in Japan since I was a child, in 2nd or 3rd grade. I have always love their culture and history and the language and just about everything dealing with Japan. And hopefully once I do move there, I'll be able to see some of my fave artists, be JPOP or KPOP lol.

"Take my hand, Be my angel, Ring My Bell."

-T.O.P AKA Choi Seunghyun; Somebody to Love
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