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masaegu (Offline)
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07-18-2011, 04:09 AM

Originally Posted by coltostallion View Post
Been having a problem with a group of kanji, I know what they all mean separately but together...I'm confused. It's used in two sentances. "大口叩いたじゃない" and "大口叩いてるのはどっちだ"

I'm completely stumped...
Knowing the meaning of each kanji will not help you understand an idomatic phrase like this just as an English-learner will not understand the phrase "You are pulling my leg." even if he is familiar with every word used in it.

大口を叩く means "to brag", "to talk big", etc.

大口叩いたじゃない = "You bragged about it, didn't ya?"

大口叩いてるのはどっちだ = "You are the one who talked big!"
Literally, it says "Which one (of us) talked big?" but we only use this structure 「~~したのはどっちだ」 when we mean "It is you who ~~." In other words, it is not a question despite its look. 

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