I've read everyone's posts here, and it seems to be money, location and lack of information is the causes.
But when you look at, for example Facebook, the Visit Japan page on that has close to 40,000 fans, meanwhile the German one has barely 500. I mean, it doesn't make sense. In essence, Japan should have many many times more tourists than Germany. The Visit Japan Facebook page always pumps out tonnes of info and deals.
Money I agree with. Flights can be a silly amount of money most of the time to Japan.
I didn't think location would matter so much. I mean, if you like the look of somewhere, it shouldn't matter how far it is.
Is it just the internet lying to me? Am I only finding these things because I'm looking too hard? :L
I guess there are way more average Joes than Japan-happy internet users.
Originally Posted by JBaymore
Spoken with a true Eurocentric world view. As one who teaches a course on Japanese art history at the college level........ I beg to differ. Asia and Japan have an INCREDIBLE artistic history, and amazing cultures. It is just that the Western world does not typically TEACH much of anything about Eastern history, geography, religion, culture, or art in the public education system.
I wouldn't call Evanny's views Eurocentric. I mean, Japan is just one country. Bear in mind Evanny said 'Europe,' which is a vast collection of countries. So all of those together are bound to have a more colourful artistic history than the one country of Japan.