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Nyororin (Offline)
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07-18-2011, 04:55 PM

I added this to a previous post by edit, but figure it will be swept away so will repost it here;

People who want to only date Asians do not consider the culture barrier that may be there, or automatically think their culture will top their spouse/SO's culture. That...causes problems.
Oooh! Another big one!

If you are ever involved in any foreigner-married-to-Japanese groups, you`ll see this in bright glowing vividness. The foreigner is always completely reasonable in wanting to move to / continue to live in their native country. They`re always reasonable for wanting to stay close to their family and friends... But the partner is completely unreasonable, selfish, and self-centered for even mentioning a desire to live in their native country or be close to THEIR family. You can almost bet money on which relationships are going to fail by looking at how the foreign side handles this - if they go on and on about how horrified they are that their partner would want to keep them away from their family / deny children a chance to know their grandparents / isolate the foreign husband/wife from friends / etc etc without ever giving any thought to the feelings on the Japanese side... That relationship is not going to survive in any happy state.

Originally Posted by Kayci View Post
Yeah that makes sense. how bad am I? xD
I don`t know. I don`t really keep note of what people say about the subject unless it is completely out there... *cough* You know who I`m talking about...*cough*

Right, so you didn't married him just for these physical traits though... thats what make it different.......
I`m sure that the physical traits helped me find him physically attractive - but they would have done the same had he been some other nationality or ethnic background.
And, really, if he had been the same wonderful person but hadn`t had those traits - there still would have been a chance. I just probably wouldn`t have felt physically attracted to him from the start though, so there is less chance I would have seen him in that light.

If anyone is trying to find me… Tamyuun on Instagram is probably the easiest.
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