07-18-2011, 07:03 PM
Wake up guys, that's how the world works. It's not about "white guys" or "Japanese girls" or whatever. Guys want to have sex. Many Asian girls want to try white guys. Where's the problem? Both parties get what they want. Grow up. To me it sounds like the op is bitter because because many Asian women DO prefer white people as their partners.
That's simply the fault of today's media and society. Most famous actors are white. White people are portrayed as people in powerful positions and as people of high status. Girls like people of high status, no matter what race they are. It's just how these things are associated with one another.
The same goes for physical appearance, grow up. It's scientifically proven that appearance of the opposite sex is a deciding factor for guys while it is a relatively minor factor for girls. Well, it depends on how you define appearance. For guys, appearance is almost equal to "being sexy". For girls, appearance may including being clean, well-groomed, well-dressed, etc. Anyway, it should also be clear that almost all guys prefer skinny women and Asian countries are among the lowest of obesity in the world. That may have something to do with it. Everyone who thinks that partners are chosen purely, or even mostly, on personality is living in some kind of dream world.
If American girls were over-proportionally attracted to Japanese guys then a whole swarm of Japanese guys would come to study abroad in the US for exactly that reason. Unfortunately that's not the case and that makes some people bitter. Actually I have met quite a bunch of Japanese guys who just came to the US to "**** a girl with big t***".
They were downright honest, which I like.
I am not saying that it is right to "use" a girl. That's never right, independent of race. However, most of the time girls want it just as bad (or even more) than guys. I can honestly say that I have *never* tried to trick/use a girl. I have always been honest and said things like "Sorry, I'm not in love with you so we shouldn't go any further." or "I'm not looking for a relationship." More often than not the answer was "Yeah Yeah I know and I got it, let's just have fun".
It's not about being classy. Grow up and stop whining. If things were the other way round ("White" girls "prefer" Asian guys) you would not be complaining here.
Last edited by Pogopuschel : 07-18-2011 at 07:06 PM.