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(#52 (permalink))
glowsilver (Offline)
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Join Date: Jun 2011
07-19-2011, 08:33 PM

Originally Posted by godwine View Post
Agree to "Takes 2 to tango", but as Nyorin pointed out, the girls that prefer a foreigner "treatment" only contribute to a very small percentage of Japanese Women, so this small group end up being passed around the circle, as a results, the foreigners that have firs hand experience with these girls go home expressing the idea that "japanese girls are easy"
I've noticed however that there seems to be two contrasting ideas underlying such posts, not just on here but on any site where guys post about Japanese women:

Idea #1: Japanese women are sexual dynamite, unlike those nasty frigid women in the west (and probably everywhere else in the world.) They can all perform like porn stars on cue and Japan is a sexual paradise because the women don't have horrible stuffy Judeo-Christian ideas about sex being for committed relationships.

Idea #2: Japanese women are so much more classy and respectable than those American skanks. They don't dress like sluts or sleep with too many men, and they are excellent wife material. The poster would like to marry one - but not before he's slept with a few dozen of them, just in case he gets bored.
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