Originally Posted by OHayou
Well, I agree that it's not honorable to have all kinds of crazy, awesome sex with a lot of girls mainly....because I just don't know how to trick you girls into that sort of thing. lol
I like the fact you don't agree with casual sex (because I'm the same way so I'm already fond of you!  ) but just because we don't agree with casual sex doesn't make it inherently wrong to someone else. Though drugging and raping is (or should be) inherently wrong so I don't think you can compare casual sex (which a lot of people agree is right but also a lot of people agree is wrong) with drugging and raping a girl (which 98% of the world would agree is wrong.) I just made up that 98% but I'm sure its around there! (or it should be)
Casual sex...? I thought we were talking about sex tourism. Guys coming to a country specifically to have sex with its women. I do find sex tourism and the mentality that accompanies unnerving. I think it's some horrible combination of racism and sexism that allows sex tourists to view people of certain countries as a commodity for them to use as "customers". They don't view them as individuals, they see them as an undeviating object to fulfill their expectations -- "A Latina", "An Asian girl" or whatever.
I've read posts from guys claiming that you didn't need to be able to communicate with Japanese women to have sex with them. Because supposedly Japanese women so polite and submissive that men could just physically force them to do whatever they wanted consequence-free. I've also seen similar things written about Russian women. Surely this is wrong? And before you think I'm getting my feminist pants on; Guys who travel to Third world countries to bang pretty boys ain't right either.