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StonerPenguin (Offline)
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07-20-2011, 03:18 AM

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post
I think that you (and a couple others) are off a bit on the meaning of this thread.
It is - from what I can make of it - a direct response to a specific set of posts by specific users. You know, the ones that can`t stop talking about how much they want to screw Japanese girls because they`re Japanese... And they`ve seen so many Japanese pornos... etc etc

Or the threads asking things like "Hey, I am taking a week trip to Tokyo! How easy will it be for me to pick up a new girl every night? Is it true that they offer to blow you as soon as they spot you in the airport!??! Man, I`ve been waiting my whole life for this!!"

If you aren`t aware of the original posts that prompted this... I am sure the thread has a different tone.
Oh my god, THIS. D: Seriously, I'm getting tired of seeing those retarded posts... Thank you for clarifying Nyororin.

Hey, does this rag smell like chloroform?
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