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(#54 (permalink))
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OHayou (Offline)
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07-21-2011, 03:52 AM

Originally Posted by RealJames View Post
MissMisa I'm not sure but if I had to guess your mood I'd say you've let these guys get under your skin and you've said some things which could be upsetting if ready by a Japanese girl.
Please don't let the fanatics get to you.

Regarding Japanese women, this is my honest generalization of the average one compared to the western women I've known;
  • thinner
  • shorter
  • not prettier or uglier faces, same really, full spectrum
  • more concerned with fashion (in both good and bad ways)
  • they live in a culture where not wearing make-up to work is rude
  • not very familiar with the concept of gender-equality
  • much less opinionated
  • quite reserved and quiet
  • less aggressive
  • expect to be led
  • more dependent on parents/spouse
  • a little confused between the concepts of cute and sexy
  • more naive
  • less bossy / pushy / demanding
  • as insecure about western girls as the other way around
  • less adventurous / more predictable
  • not as concerned about bigger age gaps with their partner
  • not as concerned about the physical appearance of their partner

There are a huge amount of women in Japan who don't fit in that description at all, this is just a massive generalization based on what I've seen.
Strange post to me and this IS meant to start a flame war!! no im just kidding but some things I observed here:
1) when you advise/lecture someone on how their post might be perceived as insulting some other person/race/culture do you not lose creditability when you, yourself, include what could also be perceived as an insult (i.e. fanatics)
2) Why even waste the time to generalize the "average" Japanese female and then follow it up with "huge amount of women who don't fit that description"? So there are 2 massive populations of the "average" female out there that we can generalize? and, if so, is the other population that doesn't conform to your list like the Western female? Are there 2 massive populations of the "average" female in the West and the one that isn't used as the basis of comparison in this list just like the one in Japan? So many questions! lol
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