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(#58 (permalink))
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OHayou (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 128
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Ohio
07-21-2011, 04:11 AM

I've come to solve your problems! I'm just kidding, most of us can barely manage our own lives how the hell are we going to help you! lol

Some things I can advise (although I'm almost always against giving advice...nobody takes it!)

Personal victory proceeds Public victory. (See the 7 habits of highly effective people by Stephen Covey for more information.) So, you will have to understand the first 3 principles of the effective person are the personal victory which are:

1) You are the programmer. You have the power to write the program.
You already know you have the power to create the script for your life.
2) Write the program.
Make a plan to get there with deadlines. (I think you're at this phase.)
3) Start the program.
Put the plan into action.

You will have to measure progress to make sure you're on track and adjust accordingly when you are off track.

I think it would be fun if we all started a plan and adjusted it and maybe we could have an outline you could print out at the end !! (or maybe not lol we ARE weaboos, freaks, and geeks)

1) You already know you need to make a plan (write the program).
2) Write the program. (this is where we are right now I believe)

A) G.E.D
1-Find A qualified GED institution
2-Get handbook/study material
3-Start studying
4-Take Test
5-Results (If fail, go to step 3; else move to B)
B) College Education
1-Degree you want? (Have you thought of Communication degree?)
2-State, Private, or Community college?
C) Financial Planning
1-How much do you have?
2-How much do you need?
A) Loans?
B) Work and save?
C) Selling body for money?

Well that's a start I think...but don't worry no matter what path you take .. you'll end up miserable just like the rest of us!!!!

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