they live in a culture where not wearing make-up to work is rude
depends upon where you work.
less bossy / pushy / demanding
-> really ?? they are just very subtle with the way they do it.
more concerned with fashion (in both good and bad ways)
I think women in every form, shape and culture are are.. but I guess Japanese just brought to a whole new level
a little confused between the concepts of cute and sexy
very true..
try being around 30-something japanese girls and u will see
more dependent on parents/spouse
this more on the culture. most asian women are..
not as concerned about bigger age gaps with their partner
not as concerned about the physical appearance of their partner
let me just quote my japanese manager.. "it is the bank account that matters "
quite reserved and quiet
much less opinionated
hmm.. I think u can omit kansai girls with this
** disclaimer: just based on observation with my Japanese girl-friends and being a female asian