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masaegu (Offline)
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07-21-2011, 01:45 PM

Originally Posted by coltostallion View Post
First I believe is some sort of made up creature or something... 練念子 The furigana says "rennenshi"

Second is 国を傾けた楊貴妃が床で愛用し続けた”誘惑絃夢香” I feel like that one is just completely above my level XD
You cannot be asking both beginning and advanced level questions in just two days. If you do this, it is very difficult to offer help as we have no idea as to where you REALLY are in your Japanese proficiency.

If the creature is made up, so should its name, dontcha think? Never seen 練念子 before. It's gotta be a proper noun. Take it as is.

Are you sure it was 絃夢香 and not 幻夢香? The former looks "made up", too. The latter is an existing word meaning "love potion".

I usually don't just give people free translations unless they show their own attempts first. So this will be my last time. 「国を傾けた楊貴妃が床で愛用し続けた”誘惑夢香」 means "The magical love potion, which Yang Guifei, who eventually ruined her nation, kept using in bed."

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