Originally Posted by BobbyCooper
No it's not the same as in any country.. this is Japan we are talking about. A completely different society with completely different people who have a compeltely different mindset.
But yea you can live in your dream that the Asian World is exactly like the Western World if you want lol
I dont have that kind of a dream. I have the kind of reality where its part of the world, and you see all types of people there. (Hell, if you had a mixi.jp, or was able to get it, I would show you through mine. That would so not be what you want. Believe me.)
Your dream is that Japan/Korea are the absolute superior for what they are, and in some ways, (Like baseball in my opinion) they are. But that kind of ultra-special thinking is very unrealistic.. Japan can be cool, as can Korea. But do not presume it all to go the way you want. I am going tomorrow, and if my ex-boyfriend/best friend was not taking care of me with his family, I would be so much more nervous for it could be anything-goes.