Originally Posted by BobbyCooper
You mean Working Holiday Visum?
Like I mentioned 3 times in all of my last posts. You can go there as a Tourist and do the exact same thing. 90 days should be enough to find a job and if not.. ship over to Korea and back.
No its not, actually...Its not enough. (The Japanese guy next to me laughed at that post, no offense.)
You cannot just automatically show up, look for work without a visa/degree, and expect it to be easy. Yeah, there are those TALENT agencies for record companies. (Korea's SM hold auditions in Los Angeles often, and a man I know says also in LA there are tarento auditions from time to time.)
However, if you look at this kid's attitude, its plain he does not want to make a bigger effort. He asked in the title of the thread, "how to turn a failure into a japanese resident?" and ignored the most basic solution;
Do not be a failure.