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(#90 (permalink))
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Fr3sh (Offline)
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07-21-2011, 06:22 PM

Originally Posted by BobbyCooper View Post
Dude what you are saying is true to me. Fact is it's a complete different society with complete different people!!

You can't just say Western World = Asian World

What an Ignorant thing to say! Learn that the Asian World is a complete different World.
I've never ever claimed any Asian society= Western society loool! Heck African society are COMPLETELY different society with different people! So is the Arab World, and the Latin Americans....There are A BUNCH of people from those sections of the world that are wonderful people, just as they are some that are horrible ones.

Your argument that Japanese society is different than ours is absolute BS...we all know that's the truth and no one claimed otherwise. While knowing that it's a different society you shouldn't judge them based on YOUR western values and should be going there with an open mind. Not some ridiculous fantasies about Japanese women submitting to you and stroking your ego...
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