Originally Posted by KyleGoetz
Send your word where in your what now?
Just kidding.
A very good (=humanely written) book on the perception of language is "Speed reading for Dummies". There the key to speed reading (one of many) is the absorption of consepts that several words create when combined together, instead of word by word. I spoke about this to a co-worker who knows no languages written with an alphabet. We both agreed that this technique would be useless to him, since he already directly reads consepts that kanji's create.
In the book there are several exercises, where the words are together, where the upper (or lower) part is hidden, when the first and last letters are correct but the middle letters are mixed, etc. It is very entertaining to read, and might help you to get your own answers.
Personally, when reading non-break sentences, vocabulary helps to separate words from each other. And with Japanese, conjugation made with kana (when reading kanji) of course. Kana only text is the most difficult text for me.