Originally Posted by tokusatsufan
No because they are normal people. They know that if they did that,they would get some funny looks. If anyone did do that,it wouldn't be to do with being a weaboo,it would just be something like the story before about plane problems.
Well who knows, when you've been obsessed with a country for so long, why wouldn't you over-react when you finally get there? I mean, trust me, I've seen people OBSESSED to the brink of madness with Japan. SURELY they won't just act the same as everyone else when they get there... that's just too hard to believe!
Originally Posted by Kayci
Going there tonight! So excited...
Awesome! Where are you going too, Tokyo? I'm here right now too until Thursday, in Asakusa :L
Originally Posted by WingsToDiscovery
I'm getting ready to go back too. It's been a nice holiday in the states. I still always lol at the "Welcome to Japan/日本おかえりなさい" translation difference when coming through the gates haha.
I never saw this sign! Where is it?

When I landed at Narita, I got on the Keisei Skyliner, and when I landed in Haneda I got a bus...