07-22-2011, 10:45 PM
I guess it real and the "J maffia" name is Yakuza.
Its a criminal organisation but they have a puplic profile anyway.
I have heard verry strong rumors that japans strongest and biggest buissnes companies actaully cont in bribes to the yakuza in their year budged.
And thats not a "under the table thing".
Yakuzan as i said have a high profile.
Actually i remember a article from a Gamer magazine some time ago.
When the reporter actually went to japan to meet with some Yakuza members to play some "Yakuza 3" and then wrote down their thoughts about the game.
And that was no problem at all. They went full out that they were the Yakuza and said their real name and stuff like that.
And if you walk in the more distance destrics you can see sign and emblems telling you were the Yakuza are.
Somesay that Yakuzan has a big roll in the Japanese economy and even a roll in the world economy.
In someway they are honorable organization. If you want to leave Yakuzan you are free to leave, you are not getting stalked or spyed on. But you need to cut of you pinky finger so the people around you know what you have taken part in, and that you never will forget.
Im not admire them but im not say there are as bad like the italian maffia or something like that.
I live in Sweden, native speech is Swedish my secound language is English. And im currently study japanese.
Feel free to ask about Sweden if you are interested.
はじめまして、わたしはロバートです よろしくおねが いします。