Originally Posted by JohnBraden
I know you really don't, but it sure sounds like you live in the often clichéd off the beaten track.
I live directly ON the well beaten track.
It`s just that everyone goes down the path from point A to point B, without stopping along the way. So while everyone passes through here, no one ever stops.
Oh, and I forgot - I spent the day out today at the
Tsushima Tennou Festival (尾張津島天王祭) and saw 6 foreigners. One guy there with a wife or girlfriend wearing a jinbei (that looked quite good on him - a rarity), another guy who looked very *English teacher*, and a group of 4 SE Asian exchange students.
That`s it - and it`s a really big festival too. But it seems like the only festival in the area that foreigners bother with is the penis one...